Modern brick veneer home and garden. 3 Mini dachshunds, 2 cats, and chooks. Some watering of potplants ...
We have a nice Home on 4 acres. We are on a hill overlooking a small river. It’s very quiet with large properties on ...
Hi, we have a spacious modern home on a good size block, 10 mins from the CBD in Bendigo, Central Victoria. We have 3 ...
Caring for one cat who is friendly but independent. Looking after a garden on half an acre. As the garden is large we ...
Hi we are needing somebody to care for our house and animals while away. We have 3 small well behaved dog's ranging ...
The following assignments are from the past 3 months and are now closed.
1 dog - feed and walk daily 8 chickens 3 fish Water garden Look after indoor plants. General housekeeping.
Hi we are needing somebody to care for our house and animals while away. We have 3 small well behaved dog's ranging ...
Live in a semi rural suburb of Wallan on a big corner block with a beautiful park across the road i have a little ...
10 acre property in the state Forest, caravan access, we have 2 cats and 5 chickens to be watered and 2 dogs, also ...
To feed a dog, ducks (5) and chickens (14)
We are looking for someone to mind our lovely, modern home in a satellite suburb of Bendigo. We have a lovely border ...
Looking for someone who is able to care for a toy poodle, four chooks, 6 fish, and to water the garden and indoor ...
We have 3 small dogs and a few indoor and outdoor plants that would love being cared for.
Feed two cats and keep garden tidy.
Small house on 2 acres. We have 4 sheep, 2 goats and a ram and a big soppy dog. The house is comfortable and has ...