• Suburb : GLENDEVIE 7109
  • Region : Southern
  • State : Tasmania
  • Duration : 33 days
  • Arrive : 18-Oct-2023
  • Depart : 19-Nov-2023
  • Pet care required : Dogs, Chickens, Rabbits / Guinea Pigs
  • Special features : Families Welcome
  • Location : Public Transport


Hi! Our lovely little farm will need some love and care while we're away for a month over Oct/Nov this year. We are located in Glendevie, which is a little district/village located in between Geeveston and Dover, in the Far South of Tasmania. We have 17 chooks which will need feeding, watering and letting out/shutting in most days. We also have a guinea pig called Wilbur, who loves some attention and cuddles. Our other non-human family member is Archie, a 12 year old little terrier cross, who can get a bit cranky at times, mainly when he's feeling nervous or insecure. Otherwise, once he becomes comfortable with you, is very affectionate. Unfortunately he will not likely feel comfortable with small children, and we would prefer not to have little ones at the house in case he got snappy with them, which has happened before.

The house itself is pretty basic, sitting on 24 acres of beautiful native forest and paddocks. The 3 bedroom house can be heated by either fire or electricity, although you may not need heating at that time of year. If needed, there are two extra rooms which could be used as bedrooms. The laundry is outside (in a small shed). Mail is not delivered to the residential address (you could use either Geeveston or Dover post offices for mail), but there is a rubbish collection service. Most electricity is solar generated, and all water is rainwater. We have veges and fruit growing, which you can help yourself to (as well as about a dozen eggs/day). The lawn may need mowing once or twice over the month. Closest grocery stores are in either Geeveston or Dover (8-10 minutes drive).

Being a regional location, you may like to have your own car for convenience (alternatively we might be able to negotiate the use of ours), but there is a regional bus which stops at Glendevie a few times/day.

You will have plenty of wildlife visiting, including pademelons, possums, black cockatoos, eagles, bandicoots and the occasional tassie devil if you're lucky! Quolls also live nearby, and unfortunately if you accidentally leave the chooks out, or their henhouse door open, you will see what they eat! :(

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