• Suburb : LIMESTONE RIDGES 4305
  • Region : Brisbane
  • State : Queensland
  • Duration : 48 days
  • Arrive : 23-Apr-2024
  • Depart : 09-Jun-2024
  • Pet care required :
  • Special features :
  • Location :


Looking for a responsible house sitter to keep our property safe while we are away and who is willing to feed a couple of calves and a small poultry flock (2 turkeys, 2 geese and 1 chook) each day. Feeding calves is simple just a couple of buckets of grain once a day and filling their water trough. If possible would also be great if the house sitter is willing to water the garden as well.

We are on a 45 acre property. House features a pool and air-conditioning.

Contact Homeowner

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