• Suburb : GAYTHORNE 4051
  • Region : Brisbane
  • State : Queensland
  • Duration : 28 days
  • Arrive : 19-Dec-2023
  • Depart : 15-Jan-2024
  • Pet care required : Cats
  • Special features : No Garden Care
  • Location : Public Transport, Supermarket, Restaurants


I am looking for a sitter to move into my 2 bedroom townhouse and look after my 2 very nervous cats. They will take their time getting to know you but will soon want pats. Blueberry (Bluey) is a Russian blue and loves her food and sleeping. Muffin (Buddy) is very nervous with new people and loud noises. He will take time to get to know you but as long as he is fed and can get some sunshine he will soon come around.

Contact Homeowner

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