• Suburb : MICHELAGO 2620
  • Region : Canberra
  • State : Australian Capital Territory
  • Duration : 90 days
  • Arrive : 26-Jun-2023
  • Depart : 23-Sep-2023
  • Pet care required :
  • Special features :
  • Location :


We have 2 older dogs, a cat , pond fish, chickens and a duck that will need looking after in our absence. The dogs love walks and pats and the cat loves cuddles in the evening.

Our property will need little maintenance/ caring over the winter. A sitter will need to check that garden pipes have not burst in the cold, that pumps are working. and otherwise, sit back, relax and enjoy the vista.

We have styled our home to be low maintenance and we have support on hand if anything goes amiss.

Contact Homeowner

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